Review: Worrywort – Fridge Horror

In a perfect display of self-effacement, Worrywort’s Bandcamp page says “Please insult me”. Worrywort is Bobby Mitchell from Reading in Berkshire and is a fan of Tim Burton’s soundtrack buddy of choice, Danny Elfman, it seems. The opening instrumental ‘Soda Blossom’ certainly reveals cinematic ambitions albeit in a lo-fi way.

Worrywort Album Cover

The first actual song, ‘Milk’, is charming in a ramshackle way although the protagonist’s frail Americana-style vocals are unlikely to trouble Neil Young or Mercury Rev’s Jonathan Donahue any time soon. Yet persistence with ‘Fridge Horror’ is rewarded. ‘Blurg’ revels in playful Sunday teatime Wurlitzer sounds whilst ‘Soapbox Whimper’ and ‘Rowing Over Katie’s House’ really deserves a longer showings than their respective 60 and 75 seconds allow and from here on in, the album begins to find some cohesion with Mitchell seemingly telling a story via consistent musical themes and no lack of quality. ‘Miracle Cure’ and its careful combination of classical interludes and The Simpsons Theme-style cutesiness demonstrate further talents and a great ear for melody just before ‘The Greedy Hordes’ veers into prog (and even grunge) territory and emerges in respectable state despite the confusion. Mitchell arguably saves the best moment for last via the vulnerable, tender ‘Bubbles’ which sounds like a lost, lush romantic number from The Korgis.

From an uncertain beginning, Mitchell gains in confidence with each song and composition. His style may be unfashionable but there is more heart and tunefulness in ‘Fridge Horror’ than so many other better-promoted musicians. So, sorry Mr. Worrywort, but you won’t get any insults from me.

Web Sites:
Worrywort Bandcamp
Video for Worrywort – Bubbles

Further Listening:
Grandaddy, Mercury Rev, Eels, The Korgis

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